• Device Physicalmemory Vista

    How to use bcdedit in windows 7 « Windows 7 Home. Boot Configuration Data (BCD) files provide a store that is used to describe boot applications and boot application settings. The objects and elements in the store effectively replace Boot. BCDEdit is a command- line tool for managing BCD stores. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating new stores, modifying existing stores, adding boot menu parameters, and so on. BCDEdit serves essentially the same purpose as Bootcfg.

    Device Physicalmemory Vista

    How to use bcdedit in windows 7 « Windows 7 Home. Boot Configuration Data (BCD) files provide a store that is used to describe boot applications and boot application settings. The objects and elements in the store effectively replace Boot. BCDEdit is a command- line tool for managing BCD stores. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including creating new stores, modifying existing stores, adding boot menu parameters, and so on. BCDEdit serves essentially the same purpose as Bootcfg.

    Windows, but with two major improvements: Exposes a wider range of boot parameters than Bootcfg. Has improved scripting support. Below will give you a simple instruction about how to use bcdedit in windows 7. Go to Start Menu- All Programs- Accessories,then right- click Command Prompt and select Run As Administrator,because Administrative privileges are required to use BCDEdit to modify BCD2. Type bcdedit and press enter ,then bcdedit will show the boot entries on your computer. You can run bcdedit /?

    These parameters were previously. Boot. ini file (in BIOS- based operating systems) or in the nonvolatile. RAM entries (in Extensible Firmware Interface- based operating systems). You can. use Bcdedit. For. example, to display detailed information about the /createstore command, type. This file. can be used later to restore the state of the system store.

    Device Physicalmemory VistaDevice Physicalmemory VistaDevice Physicalmemory VistaDevice Physicalmemory Vista

    ID for information about identifiers used by these commands. TYPES for a list of datatypes used by these commands. FORMATS for a list of valid data formats. These parameters were previously. Boot. ini file (in BIOS- based operating systems) or in the nonvolatile.

    This class includes extra properties and methods that. Find memory size in Windows. In Windows, we can find the physical memory size from command line. We can do this either using systeminfo or wmic commands. Memory Imaging Tools x86 Hardware WindowsSCOPE CaptureGUARD PCIe card (commercial) - desktops, servers Publicly available, supports all Windows OS; windd and other.

    RAM entries (in Extensible Firmware Interface- based operating systems). You can. use Bcdedit. For. example, to display detailed information about the /createstore command, type.

    This file. can be used later to restore the state of the system store. ID for information about identifiers used by these commands. TYPES for a list of datatypes used by these commands.

    1. Delphi Developers WMI and SMART Component. Download MagWMI v5.5 - (432,684 bytes) Delphi Home Page. Other Magenta Sites. CodeLook lookup telephone.
    2. Re: Use WMI To Find Out RAM Slot In Used And Memory Size Of Each Slotnot work with my XP SP3. I got ”MEMORYCHIP -Alias not found” and verified that no such.

    FORMATS for a list of valid data formats.

    Delphi Developers - Information and Components. Magenta Systems WMI and SMART Component contains WMI, SMART and SCSI Pass. Through functions, of particular use for getting hard disk information and. Mag. WMI which allows access and update of windows system information using.

    Windows Management Instrumentation. Mag. WMI provides general view access to. WMI information using SQL like commands, and also a number of dedicated. TCP/IP configuration, such as setting the adaptor IP. BIOS and disk drive.

    There are also disk drive functions avoiding WMI, to map. SCSI bus disk drives, getting disk information, sizes and. For ATA drives, SMART disk failing and fault information may. Most functions return information in simple string arrays or. A demo program illustrates the use of all the functions.

    Note that WMI may be used to get information from both the local computer. WMI will only. run locally if the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running.

    WMI often returns significant qualities of. To best return this information, a. T2. Dim. Str. Array = array of array of string ; is used for Wmi.

    Results. Functions are provided to search within this array for specific rows of information. The component. converts all the internal WMI data types to ASCII for the results.

    Some result fields may have multiple sub- results, which are. The result set may be thought of as being columns and rows in a grid, with property names in the. The demo program shows the results in a multi- column TList. View. Some parameters are passed in a single dimension string array defined as: String.

    Array = array of string; This is used instead of TStrings so garbage collection is automatic. General Purpose WMI Functionsfunction Mag. Wmi. Get. Info. Ex (const Comp, Name.

    Space, User, Pass, Arg: widestring. Wmi. Results: T2.

    Dim. Str. Array; var instances: integer; var errinfo. This is the lowest level function for getting WMI. A. variable Wmi. Results needs to be predefined for the results, see above, and. The function result is the number of rows. Result - 1 means failure with the. The size of the dynamic array may also be checked with.

    Low/High functions and should match instances and  result + 1 each. Mag. Wmi. Get. Info (const Comp, Name. Space, User, Pass, Arg. Wmi. Results: T2. Dim. Str. Array; var instances: integer): integer. Similar to Mag. Wmi. Get. Info. Ex, but does not return errinfo.

    Result is - 1 for. Mag. Wmi. Search. Idx (const Wmi. Results: T2. Dim. Str. Array; const Prop: string): integer ; This function searches the two dimensional array result from Mag. Wmi. Get. Info for the row of a specific property, or zero if not. Mag. Wmi. Search. Wmi. Results: T2.

    Dim. Str. Array; const Prop: string): string ; This function searches the two dimensional array result from Mag. Wmi. Get. Info for the value of a specific property, blank if not. Specific WMI Functions. Note most of functions work for the local computer only, to avoid passing more parameters than necessary.

    Mag. Wmi. Get. Base. Board: string ; Returns the motherboard manufacturer and product name. Mag. Wmi. Get. SMBIOS: string ; Returns BIOS version information. Mag. Wmi. Get. Last.

    Boot. DT: TDate. Time ; Returns the date and time of the last PC boot. Mag. Wmi. Get. Disk. Serial (drive: integer): string ; Returns the serial number for a specified physical disk drive, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. Note this function. Windows XP and later. Use SMART or SCSI functions for Windows 2. Mag. Wmi. Get. Disk.

    Model (drive: integer): string ; Returns the disk model name for a specified physical disk drive, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. Mag. Wmi. Get. OSInfo (item: string): string ; Returns a specific property from the Win. Generally, most PCs only have one working network connection and adaptor, and this function will find it. If there are. multiple working adaptors, you'll need to check the names more carefully, particularly if there are duplicate names. Mag. Wmi. Net. Set. IPAddr (const Adap. Num: integer; const IPAddresses,Subnet.

    Masks: String. Array): integer ; Changes the static IP addresses and subnet masks for a specific adaptor number, found using Mag. Wmi. Find. Adaptor.

    Note the. addresses are passed in dynamic String. Arrays so that multiple IP addresses and matching masks can be configured.

    Return is - 1. for error, 0 OK no reboot needed, 1 reboot needed, 6. This function will disable DHCP. Mag. Wmi. Net. Set. Gateway (const Adap. Num: integer; const IPGateways: String.

    Array; const Gateway. Costs: TInteger. Array): integer ; Changes the static gateway IP addresses and costs for a specific adaptor number, found using Mag.

    Wmi. Find. Adaptor. Note the. addresses are passed in dynamic String. Arrays so that multiple IP addresses and matching costs can be configured. Return is - 1. for error, 0 OK no reboot needed, 1 reboot needed, 6. This function fails if DHCP is. Mag. Wmi. Net. Set. DHCP (const Adap.

    Num: integer): integer ; Enables DHCP for a specific adaptor number, found using Mag. Wmi. Find. Adaptor, so it loses static IPs. Return is - 1 for error, 0 OK. Mag. Wmi. Rename.

    Comp (const New. Name, User. Name, Password: string): integer ; This functions allows the local computer to be renamed, it always needs logon information. This only works on Windows XP and. PC reboot is needed before the new name is recognised. Mag. Wmi. Close. Win (const Comp, User, Pass: widestring ; reboot: boolean; var errinfo: string): integer ; This function allows the local or remote PC to be closed down or rebooted.

    Mag. Wmi. Get. Memory: TWmi. Memory. Rec ; This function returns a record containing seven diferent memory sizes. TWmi. Memory. Rec = Record. Free. Physical. Memory: Int. Free. Space. In. Paging.

    Files: Int. 64 ; Free. Virtual. Memory: Int. Size. Stored. In. Paging. Files: Int. Total. Swap. Space.

    Size: Int. 64 ; Total. Virtual. Memory. Size: Int.

    Total. Visible. Memory. Size: Int. 64 ; end ; General Purpose SMART Disk Functionsffunction Mag. Wmi. Smart. Disk. Info (drivenr: integer; const deviceid: string; var.

    Drive. Result: TDrive. Result): boolean ; This function returns disk. For. drives connected to ATA controllers, it also includes ATA and SATA versions. Identify. Device structure for all other parameters.

    Drive. Nr is base 0, Device. Id may. be left blank, or a Windows driver devicespecified, ie.

    Physical. Drive. 0 for drive 0. TDrive. Result = Record. Drive. Num. integer ; Device. Id: string ; Bus. Type. Disp: string ; // ATA.

    SCSI, USB. CSMIDev. Type. Disp: string ; // disk, cd- rom, etc,Err.

    Info: string ; Vendor. Id: string ; Product.

    Id: string ; Product. Rev: string ; Bus. Type. integer ; Device. Type: integer ; Media. Type: integer ; Vendor. Unique. array . For drives connected to. ATA buses, it also returns a SMART result structure.

    SMART information is. See below for. examples of the attribute results. TSmart. Result = Record. Drive. Num: integer ; Temperature: integer ; Temp. Worst: integer ; Temp. Low: integer ; Hours.

    Running: integer ; Realloc. Sector: integer ; Power. Cycles: integer ; Smart.

    Fail. Tot: integer ; Smart. Warn. Tot: integer ; Total.

    Attrs: integer ; Attr. Num: array . Specify. USB. memory sticks). The function simply calls Mag. Wmi. Smart. Disk. Info repeatedly and.

    Device. Results with the function result being the. Mag. Wmi. Smart. Scsi. Bus (Max. Num. integer; var Drive. Results: TDrive. Results): integer ; This function is. SCSI buses which may be disks. DVD- ROMs, etc, including all ATA and SATA devices which. Windows sees as SCSI.

    Specify the maximum number of SCSI adaptors. Each adaptor may have multiple buses, with. The function returns a dynamic array Device.

    Results with. the function result being the total number of drives mapped. Device. Id shows. SCSI4: while Drive.

    Num is the port on the bus of that. Currently it only returns Vendor and Product Ids. Note this function is a work in. Not currently supporting SMART on these devices. Look at. the Microsoft WMI documentation for hundreds more classes. Using a class on it's own returns all information for all instances. A WQL select statement (similar syntax to SQL) allows just the specifically required data to be returned.

    Win. 32. It illustrates the use of almost. Beware some are dangerous, such as rebooting the computer, changing the IP address and. The edit box for Get Class or Query contains a drop down with the lots of classes, but others can be. SMART Results. Below are two sample results generated from the Mag.

    Wmi. Smart. Disk. Fail function.- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Drive 0 IC2. N0. 40. ATMR0. 4- 0; Serial Number MRG2. K2. FUMHYP; Capacity 3. GSMART Test Passed OKAttribute Name State Cur Value Worst Value Threshold Raw Value Pre- Fail.

    Raw Read Error Rate OK 9. Yes. 2 Throughput Performance OK 1. Yes. 3 Spin Up Time OK 1. Yes. 4 Start/Stop Count - 9. No. 5 Reallocated Sector Count OK 1.

    Yes. 7 Seek Error Rate OK 1. Yes. 8 Seek Time Performance OK 1. Yes. 9 Power On Count - 9. No. 10 Spin Retry Count OK 1. Yes. 12 Power Cycle Count - 9.

    No. 19. 1 Unknown - 9. No. 19. 2 Emergency Retract Cycle - 9. No. 19. 3 Load Cycle Count - 9. No. 19. 4 Temperature Celsius - 1. No. 19. 6 Reallocation Event Count - 1.

    No. 19. 7 Current Pending Sector - 1. No. 19. 8 Off- line Uncorrectable - 1. No. 19. 9 Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate - 2.

    No- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Drive 1 TOSHIBA MK1. GAS; Serial Number 7. CQ1. 82. 5S; Capacity 9. GSMART Test Passed OKAttribute Name State Cur Value Worst Value Threshold Raw Value Pre- Fail.

    Raw Read Error Rate OK 1. Yes. 2 Throughput Performance OK 1. Yes. 3 Spin Up Time OK 1. Yes. 4 Start/Stop Count - 1. No. 5 Reallocated Sector Count OK 1. Yes. 7 Seek Error Rate OK 1.

    Yes. 8 Seek Time Performance OK 1. Yes. 9 Power On Count - 9. No. 10 Spin Retry Count OK 1. Yes. 12 Power Cycle Count - 1. No. 19. 2 Emergency Retract Cycle - 1. No. 19. 3 Load Cycle Count - 1.

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